Tag: Reading Comprehension

gratitude paragraph writing

Great Thinkers – Comprehension

Wren and Martin Comprehension Exercise 147 All Great Thinkers live and move on a high plane of thought. It is only there they can breathe freely. It is only in contact with spirits like themselves they can live harmoniously and attain that serenity...

gratitude paragraph writing

From A Father To His Child – Comprehension

Wren and Martin Comprehension Exercise 147 You seemed at first to take no notice of your school-fellows, or rather to set yourself against them because they were strangers to you. They knew as little of you as you did of them; so that this would...

money paragraph writing

The Value of Money – Comprehension

Wren and Martin Comprehension Exercise 147 Supposing you have to make a payment of Rs. 100, you can do so in rupee-coins; but it would be cumbersome to pay in nickel or copper coins, because they are heavy to carry and also because it takes much...