
Reading comprehension, or unseen passage, is the ability to read a passage, process it, understand its meaning and answer the questions. It is based on two interconnected abilities: word reading and language understanding. Comprehension is asked in all English exams.


Kumar Shree Ranjitsinhji – Comprehension

Wren and Martin Comprehension Exercise 147 Yes, there were giants before the Jam Sahib (the great Indian cricketer, Kumar Shree Ranjitsinhji, better known to the world of cricket as Ranji). And yet I think it is undeniable that as a batsman the...


Bad Temper – Comprehension

Wren and Martin Comprehension Exercise 147 The next ingredient is a very remarkable one: Good Temper. “Love is not easily provoked”. Nothing could be more striking than to find this here. We are inclined to look upon bad temper as a very harmless...

COMPREHENSION mahatma gandhi

The Voice – Comprehension

Wren and Martin Comprehension Exercise 147 The Voice had to be listened to, not only on account of its form but for the matter which it delivered. It gave a message to the country that it needed greatly. It brought to the common people a realization...